W. E. D Wilson is the author of Page 856, Page 923, and other books.


Page 856

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Page 923

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Tell us about yourself

I am a retired Federal Agent. I am also retired from the military (Active duty and reserves). My duties were primarily in the areas of Investigations, Intelligence and Threat Assessment. I served 27 years with the government and 25 years in the military. I enjoy classic cars, cooking and going to antique stores with my wife.

Tell us about your books. What are they about?

The series of Page 856 and Page 923 are about the power and control that has been exerted over the citizens of the world by Globalization. The wickedness that lurks just below the surface that we are not supposed to see. A pair of Seattle Police Department detectives stumble into this world and are shocked at what they find.

Who is your target audience suited for this story? 

This series is for those who look around and know instinctively that something is wrong, but don’t know what it is. The curious suspense audience.

Do you have a favorite character in your story?

Detective Danny MacDougal.

Are you currently working on another book? Is it the same genre?

The series are my fourth and fifth books respectively. I am currently working on my sixth book. The genre is completely different.

Do you find reviews helpful?  Or intimidating?

They are always helpful. You have to separate good ideas from bad ones. I have learned from bad reviews, once I found that the reviewer didn’t have an axe to grind. The genre you write in has a smaller audience than you would think. Do some research regarding your genre and you will find out how large your potential audience will be.

Why did you decide to self-publish?  

I grew weary of working under someone else’s timetable.

Did you use IngramSpark, Amazon KDP, or another company to handle the printing and distribution of your book.   

Amazon KDP.

Now that your book is in print, do you have any regrets?

None whatsoever. Each book is an adventure. After six months of rewrites, editing, re-reading and then re-reading again, I have satisfaction in releasing it.

What parts did you do on your own, and what did you hire out to have done? (Editing, book design, cover design, eBook, marketing, etc.)  

Editing (I have the best editor on the planet that took me years to find). Cover design, Interior Design and eBook.

What would you do it differently if you were to self-publish again?

I don’t believe I’d do anything differently. Once you settle into a comfortable pattern with people you trust, the process is enjoyable. Kimberly and Jera Publishing were the last piece in the puzzle for me. I despise conflict and stress. Kimberly achieved that for me, and provided a stress-free environment.

What is the most difficult part of writing this series of books?

While the series are novels, there is the element of truth behind the horrors that happen.

If you could tell yourself anything as a younger writer, what would it be? 

Not to listen to people who are not invested in your book. I know it is hard to believe, but there are people out there, for whatever reason, who don’t want you to succeed. Be careful who you listen to.

What motivates you as a writer?

Ever since my youth, I enjoyed sitting on the floor at my grandparents’ house listening to my parents, aunts, uncles telling stories about their experiences. I just enjoy telling stories. Also, the feeling of receiving the ‘author copy’ in the mail is a feeling I wish everyone could experience.

Do you try to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

Writing to please someone else is a recipe for disaster. Write about what excites you. Your words will leap from the pages at the reader and they will become involved in the story.

How old where you when you started writing? 


What marketing have you done for your book? What worked and what did not?

Social Media advertising has worked best for me. Radio interviews were a bust, although I still do them from time to time.

Did you start marketing before your book was launched? If not, do you regret that decision?

No, I wait until it’s released. That may not be the best approach, but delays that are outside of my control have worked against me in the past. There are those who would disagree, but I do what works best for me.

How do you use social media as an author? Has it worked well for you, or is it something you want to do more or less of?

I have been reluctant to dive into social media with both feet. I prefer to research and try a ‘One at a time’ approach. I do, however, need to expand my use of social media.

Which social media platforms do you use the most?  

Facebook. ‘The Passionate Pencil Press.’

Any advice you want to pass on to other authors looking to self-publish their book? 

I could wallpaper the Pentagon with all of my rejection letters from traditional publishing houses. The gap filled by self-publishing has been the savior of many individual’s books that otherwise would not have gotten out to the public. Keep trying, never give up, not even for a moment. If you give up after one, two or three books, the next book would probably have been the ‘breakout book’.

Anything Else?

Your book, if written with passion, will be interesting and enjoyable for the reader. If you don’t take the time for the editing process, there will always be those who take joy in pointing out a misplaced comma, or some other such minor error. Read each paragraph for errors. Reread it again for multiple use of the same words (like I just did above). Read it again to see if it makes sense. After you’ve read it ten times … read it again. I have such passion for my stories that it takes very little time to write them. Page 856 was written in two months. Page 923 was written in six weeks. They weren’t released for another ten months. Take your time and get it right. Jera Publishing saved my bacon after a bad experience with difficult interior and cover design. This series came together when I thought it wouldn’t. I was preparing for a long waiting period because of disreputable people. Kimberly came to the rescue and the books were published on time. She and her team are the best. Jera has my business from now on. Thanks, Kimberly.

W. E. D. Wilson

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